12 August 2024
e-AGM notification - €500 give-away
Ahead of sending out notices for our AGM later this year, we are asking members to opt for notification by e-mail rather than by post.
To incentivise members to make the switch, we are holding a €500 give-away draw!!
If you wish to receive your AGM notice by e-mail, here are a couple of ways to update your preference ⬇️
📲📧 Send an e-mail to agm@affinitycu.ie simply stating "I wish to receive my A.G.M notice by e-mail." Please include your member number and name in this e-mail
💻🖱 Login to your online account. Launch Online Banking. Click personal setting (in the top right corner). Tick to receive your AGM notification electronically.
If you have any questions, give us a call - 0818 222 919
For more information, visit www.affinitycu.ie/e-agm
DRAW DETAILS: The draw will take place on 01/11/2024. All members signed up to e-AGM notice and eligible to receive an AGM notice will be entered into the draw. Affinity Credit Union staff will be ineligible to win. 5 members will be drawn to win €100 each. If a winner cannot be contact within 7 days of draw, their prize will be forfeited and another winner will be drawn. The winners will be contacted directly by Affinity Credit Union. Affinity Credit Union will never ask you to reveal personal or banking information to claim a prize.