Switch to electronic AGM notification
We're going Green and we need your help!
Affinity Credit Union Limited is, as part of our longer-term responsibility, moving towards a paperless environment.
As part of this move towards a paperless, and environmentally responsible approach, we hope to deliver our AGM notice direct to your e-mail address, rather than by post. However, we need your consent.
Ways to sign up to receive your E-AGM notice:
There are a number of ways to change your preferences. If you wish to receive your AGM notice by e-mail, here are some sign up options:
- Send an e-mail to agm@affinitycu.ie simply stating "I wish to receive my AGM notice by e-mail." Please include your member number and name in this e-mail.
- Login to your online account. Launch Online Banking. Click personal setting (in the top right corner). Tick to receive your AGM notification electronically.
If you have any questions, give us a call - 0818 222 919
What it's about
Affinity Credit Union must advise all our members about our Annual General Meeting each year, and our AGM notice is mandatory. In the past, we have advised our members by post. Members receive a notice with the details of the upcoming AGM. Affinity Credit Union is going paperless, and we will now be sending this information directly to your e-mail.
A booklet containing Affinity Credit Union's financial statements for the previous financial year will be made available through a link with limited hard copies available in branch on request.