09 December 2024
Please note our office opening hours over the Christmas period:
All branches will be open up to and including Saturday the 21st of December 2024 (normal hours).
Branches (excluding Parnell St.) will open on Monday 23rd from 9am to 4pm, closing for lunch 12.30-1.15pm.
Branches will be closed from Tuesday 24th to Friday 27th, inclusive.
Branches will re-open on Saturday the 28th (normal hours).
Branches will be closed but telephone service available on Monday 30th (normal hours).
Branches (excluding Parnell St.) will be open Tuesday 31st (normal hours).
Branches will be closed on Wednesday 1st of January.
We will resume normal operating hours from Thursday the 2nd of January.
You can access your Affinity Credit Union account anytime over the Christmas period through Online Banking. Login here.
If you have do not already have a PIN for Online Banking, register today.
Members, please take note: electronic transfers in and out of your credit union account may be delayed due to bank holidays.