Online Banking with Affinity Credit Union
The many great features can be used at your own leisure. Simple and secure, online banking allows you to manage your finances 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Online Banking FAQs
Have a question? See if it's answered below in our Frequently Asked Questions.
Members can fill out the form here to register for online banking. A member of staff will contact you on the telephone number provided to verify your identity and complete the registration process. Once all details have been verified, a PIN can be sent securely via SMS or by post.
You can fill out the form here, and a member of staff will contact you to verify your identity and re-issue a PIN.
Click on the LOGIN button from the Online Banking menu to access your account. You will be asked for your member number, your date of birth and 3 digits out of your PIN to login to the member area. Within the member area, where it says Online Banking, click on LAUNCH NOW. You will be asked for 3 digits out of your PIN again to access your account.
A handy step-by-step guide is available to view and download here.
SCA stands for Strong Customer Authentication. It is one of the regulations under the Revised Payment Service Directive (PSD2). It states that a customer must verify their identity before payment information can be exchanged between a financial institution. SCA will be triggered at certain event types, such as when downloading a statement.
SCA codes are automatically sent as an SMS to the mobile number registered with Affinity Credit Union.
If you are not receiving the code but are receiving other SMSs, your network provider may have flagged it as spam and blocked it. Contact your network provider directly to resolve this issue.